Monday, May 17, 2010

Apparently a young boy fell in the river last night

There's a small creek/river that runs right next to my apartment building near a park. Apparently a small boy feel in the water last night and the authorities haven't been able to find him yet. I feel bad for his parents. Though I also wonder why weren't they watching him so he couldn't fall in the fast moving water that's surrounded by fence. All last night we had the news people, the firemen, divers in the water, and helicopters circling overhead. Now the next day I see we've still got helicopters circling overhead. I hate to be rude, but if the kid fell in the water at 6pm last night I don't think the helicopters are really going to find him at 2pm the next day. That boy's been washed away I'm sure.

It's very creepy when there's helicopters circling your building for days. Really screws with your sense of paranoia.

1 comment:

  1. LOL.
    The media just like to suck on themselves. The poor modern day TRUE journalists are soooooo depressed with their industry becoming precariously similar to some BS women's magazine purporting the newest beauty and glamour horrors and how to cure them.
    Charlie Brooker is nothing short of a genius. It does bring a smile to face encountering like-minded people... then I get horribly depressed when I remember I'm encountering them on the damned internet.
